Dreams are a Curse Part 1 of 50
Have you ever had a dream? One so big you couldn’t stop it; one so great that it conquered all the others?
Have you ever been afraid to dream? Afraid to have it ripped away, and destroyed? To see it crumble right between your finger tips, before your very eyes?
Have you ever stopped dreaming? Refused to dream no matter how fleeting? Refusing because you know that you will lose everything just like the rest of the world?
Laurel woke up to the smell of cinders. The fire was warm but was dying down. Laurel shivered in the crisp winter air. It was a long winter this year. Tightening her mother’s hand woven blanket, she tip-toed across the frozen dirt floor towards the wood pile. She made sure to not step on her brothers and sisters as she went. She had 4 big brothers and 4 older sisters. She also had 2 younger sisters and 3 younger brothers. 6 sets of twins had left her with a lot of siblings but she didn’t mind. She loved little Jerry, Tommy, Lucy, Mari, and Robby. She loved George, Stephan, Laura, Toad, May, Stacy, Daisy, Mark, and Michael. She loved her Ma and her Pa and their soon to be baby. Even though they never had much room or food to eat she was content. She had her family’s love and she was happy.
Carefully she picked out several large pieces from the woodpile and, while shivering, tip-toed back to the fireplace. She put in two big pieces of wood and stood them against each other. Then she grabbed a handful of sticks, leaves, and twine to place around the logs. She grabbed the tinder box and coaxed the fire back to life. Cold but warming up she snuggled as close to the fire as she dared and smiled when her younger sister Mari snuggled up to her too. Laurel fell asleep smug, never knowing that this would be the last time she slept peacefully with her family.
“Smack!” A wave of pain shook Laurel awake. As she looked around sleepily for the cause shock completely woke her when she saw her Pa on the ground with lifeless eyes and a thick pool of blood beneath him. She was confused and scared. What was happening? How could this have happened? She must be having a nightmare. Everything was too sudden!
“Smack!” Laurel looked behind her to see Mari smacking her on her back with her finger pointed toward the door. As Laurel looked towards the door she saw them. The Mysers. They were the black plague that was destroying the world. They were demons in human costumes, evil traitorous hags. The only way you could tell they were a part of Kai Laiyers troops were two black and silver Crow-Crown emblems on their chests, and neck. They were the pictures of crows piercing the crown intertwined. Symbolist of the murder of her nation’s King Lan and his son Prince Riloh. They were murderous Monsters and they had invaded her home.
Terrified Laurel grabbed Mari’s hand and tried to make a run for it through the back door. She stumbled and fell to the floor. They were coming after them. They grabbed Mari as she tried to escape and then stuck a sword down her throat when she tried to fight back, ending her useless cries. Laurel went towards the back door as they feasted on Mari and grabbed Lucy and the youngest twins Robby and Tommy, as she ran. Laurel’s feet pounded the forest ground as she half dragged half carried the kids through the dense wood. As she ran she heard her Ma’s pain filled screams and smelt smoke coming from the house. Her Ma was being burned alive. Tears streaming down her face Laurel drove on. Finally when her legs wouldn’t support her anymore she placed Lucy on the ground and let the twins off her back before she collapsed. Confused, exhausted, and scared Laurel, Lucy, Tommy, and Robby curled up together and fell into a dreamless sleep. This was just the beginning of the hardships Laurel, and them would endure. Almost easy compared to what was coming.
Part 1 endTo be continued…
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