The Truth About Forever
By: Sarah Dessen
373 Pages
The book “The Truth About Forever” by Sarah Dessen is a master piece. A story of what can happen in life; the pain of fate, things you cannot control; desperately jumping at anything you believe will help; and above all about discovering the rules of life, & the “truth about forever.”
In “The Truth About Forever” I followed the story of a young women named Macey, who loses her father and becomes desperate-hoping nothing unexpected comes her way again. Then she meets Jacob, a fellow student at her school, who is very organized, and has lists for everything so nothing is ever unexpected. She finds her self calm, in control, in his company.
After a year of dating she gives him an email stating that she loved him. Simple enough. He has been her boyfriend for a year after all. He writes back saying that maybe her priorities aren’t in order, and that they should take a break and talk about their relationship at the end of the summer.
Reacting to the biggest “gotcha” of all she goes into a deep depression. During that summer her mother has a house party for clients, and the catering people are so disorganized she discovers while helping them that nothing unexpected happening to them is unexpected in itself. Delia, the owner of the catering business, asks Macey to work for them. Wanting to lose her self in their chaos she agrees. After making friends with Wes, who works their too, she goes through her life’s past trauma, comes to terms with it because of her new friends, and try’s to reconcile with her mother about her fathers death. Playing a game called truth she finds out about what it means to love, and how a happy life can change the meaning of forever.
From the view point of Macey I grew and learned with her. I loved this story. I cried and laughed at this “Book of Life”. Sarah Dessen is a true artist. Heart wrenching plot lines and drama filled days and had my head spinning whenever I propped open the book and lost myself in Macey’s world.
The story’s title caught my attention, and I did indeed learn the “Truth about forever.” It helped me sort out my own life’s chaos, so I will be forever thankful. This story is more than just a story. This story is so indescribable, you’d have to read it to even understand what I’m talking (writing) about. “This book contains all the truths about life you may ever need to know”, including the “Truth about forever.”
To find out what “The Truth About Forever” actually is, you will just have to read the book!!!!!!