A-is for Artistic. I love to draw, paint, and sculpt. I love creating things.
B-is for Bologna. If there is one sandwhich meat that really gets to to me, it's bologna. It smells. It tastes bad. It's not even pronounced the way it's Spelled. I hate bologna.
C- is for Cartwheels. When I was little I hated doing cartwheels in gymnastics, and because of that I could never learn how to do them. I fervently wish I could now, and I'm jealous of whomever can. I look like a frog when I try!
D- is for "Dry land". In swimming before practice we always do "Dry land", which is where we do sit-ups, pull ups, and run half a mile. I really wish I was as small as some of the other girls during this. It's so hard, and they fly off the ground as they do theirs.Sometimes I wish I could just zip it all off, and be light as a feather too.
E- is for Eggs. Eggs and bacon are my favorite foods for breakfast. That's why I love omelletes. When I was in third grade my mom taught me how to make them. It took me one try to learn, and then I was off! Since then it takes me about an hour just to get everything ready because I want them to be just right. During the summer if my family wants omelletes for breakfast, they know who to ask; and to ask early too!
F- is for Flowers. I love flowers. I think they're a beautiful piece of life. They represent rebirth, when new buds come in the spring; They represent sadness when they're on a grave; They represent remembrance at funerals; They represent love in blood-red roses; They represent friendship in delicate white. There are flowers to express anything, and everything; and with such power in them that is why I say I love them. They deserve to be loved, and that is why they are.
G-is for Gambling. One time when I was small I made a bet. It was a stupid bet but I was so sure of myself. I lost, and I had to eat a worm. I'll never forget the taste. So bad it can't be described. I was scarred for life.
H-is for Holocaust. When I was little I saw a movie on the Holocaust on TV. I wasn't supposed to watch it but I snuck behind the couch to watch it anyway.It made me want to puke, and I probably would've if I had eaten earlier.The Images and words from the screen will forever be burned into my mind.
I-is for Ice cream. My family and I always go the Dairy farm every year. They have the best homemade Ice cream in the world. We always go during their "festival" because then there is free games, activities, and Ice cream samples as big as softballs in 30 different flavors! We always buy the kind we like after sampling it by the end of the "festival."
J- is for Jogging.I hate jogging and running, and I always will, but swimming has made me so much better at it.So much in fact that when before, I would be struggling for breath, and stopping because of that more so than because of hurt mucles, now it's my aching legs that are stopping me.
K-is for Karoke. When I was little I loved to sing(still do), and I would prance around the house wailing out my favorite songs.When I got a Karoke machine that christmas I was ecstatic. Bellowing out loud songs not caring how I sounded.I loved that ignorance(miss it too) because without it I became embarrassed and then sang only queitly or by myself. The only time I sing loud not caring how I sound now is when I clean; No matter how hard my brothers try to stop me.
L-is for Lance. Lance is one of my older brothers. Even though we fight alot I love him. Him and my other brothers is what has made me tough. Instead of playing with dolls, I grew up playing Football, Wrestling, and having shoe "wars." We would make up the craziest games and competitions. I basically grew up like "The fifth brother" because I was always around so many of them(guys).
M-is for Monster. The first time I tried a Monster(the energy drink) I was thrilled. I was 14 and I thought it would taste kind of like really sugary pop(soda). I wasn't to thrilled to have to try it, but because everyone insisted it was great, and because I liked the smell, I tried it. It was like liquid fire running down my throat. It was cold, Sweet, and spicy, and filled me up with energy. I loved it.
N-is for "Ner-ock."My brother calls me a ner-ock because I'm a nerd and a jock. I love any kind of sport and if I had the time, whether or not I was good at them, I would still try out every single one(join every team). That is why he calls me a jock. He calls me a nerd because of my love of books. If I could I would live in a library to have total, and complete acess to books at any time.
O- is for Orthodonist. For some odd reason my orthodonist thinks my "arch" is messed up, and that my teeth are to close together. Because of this I have to wear a spacer on the roof of my mouth. This messes me up because of three things. One, I can't eat anything sticky and chewy. I can't eat anything hard(I guess potato chips are hard). I also can't even eat fast. I mean before I was a slow eater. But now... It takes me half an hour to eat a small Mickey-Dee's frie. Don't even get me started on what I have to do when food gets stuck behind my spacer.The second reason is because I can't talk. I mean I can talk it's just unintelligible. Try talking without using the top of your mouth. It's hard right;? And that's how I sounded for the first day of highschool. The third reason is that it looks bad. I know that the Orthodonist said you're not supposed to see it, but you can still see its affects. After 4 weeks I have a huge gap in between my front teeth. I look like an 8 year old. It's horrible!
P-is for Pink. When I was five I was the girliest girl around. I loved pink, I played with dolls all the time, I wore skirts, and dresses to school . Everything I did was epically girly. I still loved sports, and getting soaked in the rain. I still loved painting till my arms were covered. I was a tomboyish girly girl who was in love with pink. Now looking back I probably just liked everything I tried.
Q- is for Questions. All of my life I've had an insatible curiosoty. Why is this happening? What would happen if I did this? Just random questiones that make my curiosity skyrocket. In Mr. Rathburns class in eighth grade I was infamous for taking up large amounts of class time to sooth the incessant itching of my curiuos mind; because otherwise I would get so lost contemplating those questiones, and the answers to them that I would zone out and miss large amounts of class time myself.
R- is for Rodriguez. The first time I moved to Livonia I was shocked. I had grown up in Detroit, and there the Hispanic community was strong, and there was a Rodriguez somewhere in everyones family(tree). When I moved to Livonia everyone was shocked. At almost any given time, when I was at school people would ask me if I was related to Pudge (The major league baseball player). The fact that people would even think that amused me at first, but then I became annoying. Do I look like I'm related to pudge? Do you think That I would be going here if I was? Do you even know how many americans have the last name Rodriguez? And that is what shocked me. The fact that just because I have a similar last name does not mean that I'm related to someone, when that last name is one of the most popular last names of Hispanics. I mean come on people! Really?
S-is for Softball. I love softball. I've been playing since I was in 5th grade, and just last summer my team and I went to the District championship, and that was the first year my team had tried out for something like that. When I first started playing my position for 2 years was 2nd base. In the next two I would join 4 different leagues at the least every year, and I became a holder of the positions catcher, first baseman, 3rd baseman, shortstop, and recently I've tried to learn to pitch at the insistance of my coach, my mom, and myself; because of my large, and new found love of it.
T- is for "Tots." For some inane reason people at school call me tots. Like tater tots. It all started when a kid named jacob started calling me tots because he thought it was hilarious. At my insistance he stopped; but it was too late. It had caught on and now people know me as Tots.I really hate it but what can I do? I can tell each individual person not to call me that(which I do by the way) but that is going to take along time. I can't get into a fight to show an example to make them stop (what my brother told me to do) because I'm in different sports all year and I would get kicked off of the team. So if you go to my school DO NOT CALL ME TOTS! Thank you.
U- is for Utopia. What is a utopia? I believe that the reason that we(humans) cannot have a utopian society is because as humans to achieve it it would be hopelessly impossible. As humans we tend to argue. We argue over our opinions, over our rights, and over every single thing we deem as different and bad. Because humans are so vastly complex in their thoughts and differences is the reason we cannot create a utopian soceity. Because in each persons mind their vision of a utopia is different than everyone elses. Because of this base fact we cannot ever create a true utopia for everyone to live in.
V- is for Voltures. In the movie Ice age 2 Iloved it when the voltures sang. Especialy the baby one. I laughed so hard. It was hilarious, and adorable.
W- is for Whales. When I was about 5 I saw the movie pinnochio. In it the old man got eaten by a whale. It scared me so much that I cried when I thought they(pinnochio, and the old man)were going to die because of it.
X- is for Xylophone. I have never played an actual xylophone but I have seen people who have. I like its sound but the marimba is for me. I love the way its sound curls, and smokes, and breathes.
Y- is for Yak. The Yak is one of my favorite animales. I love the way it looks and everything about it. I'm afraid for the remaining Yaks becoming extinct because they are an already endangered animal, and they are still being poached which is making their numbers dwindle obtusely. In the last century the Yak population has decreased by half.
Z- is for Zorro. The movie the Zorro is one of my favorites. Although I have yet to see the old ones, or the ones without Antonio Banderas, I have still seen 2 of them, and in each one I'm zyched to see what happens next, and I'm always sad to see the movie end.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Hyena Bells

A story about the first day of high school
“Hyeeee!!!” Like a wounded hyena the bell rang. My best friend Ansa and I were in the middle of scrambling to class when we heard the offending noise. It was the first day in a new school for the both of us and we didn’t really understand our way around yet .We were like blind mice looking for cheese in a maze. Desperate and rushing we ran into more dead ends than not. But not only did we get confused by the schools layout, Ansa & I were also confused by the schools bells. In our old school there was only one, and if you weren’t in your seat by the time it rang you were late. Here at Stevenson there were several bells at different intervals, and so it was leaving us freshman wondering whether we were late or not.
So another hyena sounding bell had just rang, and Ansa suddenly stopped. She turned towards me, and had the most peculiar expression on her face. Her hair was wild, unkempt in her hurry. Her mouth was wide, agar, looking like an odd sort of fish. Her eyes were huge (!), round, popping out the sockets, adding to that odd sort of fish look .The overall effect was rather startling, and… slightly funny.
Ansa asked tensely, her voice thick with tremors, “Was that the last bell?!!!”
Many of you probably don’t understand how that would be such a big deal, but then you probably don’t know Ansa all that well either. In Ansas world getting a B is failing a class. It doesn’t matter if it’s a B+, or even 1 percent from an A-. No. Scratch that .An A- is even bad to her .Now she was going to be late to class on the first day of High school, and to the teacher that had already expressed his displeasure of those who were late. Let me explain how he could have already expressed this on the first day, when we were going to be late to class, which means we weren’t even there yet. We- Ansa and I -have B lunch; which means halfway through 4th hr class we leave for lunch, and then come back for the rest of the hour. When the lunch bell rings, then we have to hurry back to class .So Ansa was scared .Frightened really; of being late .Which leads us back to Ansas earlier question .Was that the last bell?
After a moment I answered “Yes. I’m sure.” 80% positive. I continued “But I think we shouldn’t run if we’re already late...” and yet half the words weren’t even in out of my mouth before she took off down the hall; Acting as though I had said to run rather than not to run. Showing surprising agility for someone who hated sports, she weaved in and out of the last few late for class. Those ’’ Last few” who were still in the hall were eyeing her like she had some “mental problems” that seriously needed to be diagnosed. But after a moment they went back to their whispered conversations either forgetting the girl whom had her tongue hanging out while she ran, or letting that memory settle to the back of their minds for a story at the end of the day. All of this happened in only a couple of seconds so maybe, I was reading too much into my intuition and their expressions, but maybe not. In those split seconds I decided to run too. I didn’t want to be the last to class and who knew, it’d probably be fun. So down the hall I went, repeating Ansas weaving motions and sprinting when I was at the very end of it. Wrong move on my part. As I was sprinting at the corner someone else turned it. In surprise I reacted in a quick moment of instinct. I placed my hand on the rough brick wall and pushed off. Though it saved us from impact, the pain that shot up my arm was jarring. As I jumped to my right foot and slid with my left a quarter flew from my pocket and skidded across the floor. My head turned toward the little ring of noise and I noticed the expression on the face of the boy that I had prevented the impact of. He was shocked. His eyebrows were raised so high they almost disappeared into his hairline, his mouth was a silent O. His expression was literally so comical I laughed out loud. Flashing a grin I turned and saw the blood on my hand dripping from my finger tips. I’d scraped my palm. Grinning again I continued scrambling to Spanish class.
When I got there Mr. Kantor was still at his computer not even paying attention to the students. I walked to my seat. After about a minute he asked “Was that the last bell?” No one answered. As a girl walked in and sat in her seat, another high pitched hyena sounding bell rang. “Okay.” Exclaimed Mr. Kantor “That’s the last bell so let’s get started!’’ As he continued to say hello to the class in Spanish Ansa and I looked at each other. My eyes bemused hers accusing. Then, at the same moment we both laughed. It was a joyous sound. Filled with amusement, embarrassment, and adrenaline, everything rang out in loud peals of laughter. Mr. Kantor Cleared his throat. Smiling sheepishly we turned to the Spanish teacher to finish our first day in High School…
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